The GLOCK Annual Shoot XXVIII and Gunny Challenge XVII will be held September 17th – 19th. The match is being hosted by the CMP at the CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park in Talladega, Alabama. We will be following their range rules and wanted to make our members aware of the procedure for access to the ranges and other important information.
Currently there is no mask mandate but throughout the event we ask all members to be respectful of The State of Alabama’s safeguarding guidance on the range and administrative areas: https://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/covid19/.
Pre-registration: We will close Pre-registration for this match on Tuesday, September 14th at 12pm Eastern time, (11am Central time). To pre-register go to www.gssfonline.com and fill in the Registration/Membership form.
GLOCK Armorers Course at CMP: The CMP will host an armorers course open to all GSSF Members, Military, LE, and GLOCK Stocking Dealers on Wednesday, September 15th. For information, contact Erin Ramsdell at erin.ramsdell@glock.us.
Match Schedule: Registration at CMP will be in the Clubhouse and will open at 8:00am and close at 3:00 pm Friday, and Saturday, and will close at 2:00 pm on Sunday. Ranges will be open for shooting from 9am until dusk. Please be aware that this is not an option. We don’t want to have anyone that can’t finish their match.
The Gunny Challenge Shootoff will start Saturday the 18th at 12pm in Bay A2 on Range 5. Gunny Matchmeisters will meet there at 11:45 for briefing and shooting order selection.
Sign In: All staff, range officers, guests, and competitors who don’t have a current CMP Safety Card are required to watch the CMP safety video. The video is 7-8 minutes and will be run every 15 minutes at the CMP Clubhouse. Once you have your CMP Safety Card, you will be given a wristband. The wristband must be worn while on CMP property. If you do not have a current CMP safety card, you will not be allowed on the range or be able to participate in any of the activities until you have your safety card and wrist band. All participants and their guests must stop by Registration in the clubhouse and sign the liability waivers for GLOCK and CMP. There will be a volunteer checking for the wristbands near the entrance to Range 5.
Age limit for Juniors: Juniors must be 10 or older to participate in the match and have a CMP safety card and wristband. Juniors must also be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Multi-Entry Lanes: These lanes will be available on the range for participants having 4 or more entries and willing to shoot them back-to-back. You must also have enough magazines loaded to complete your entries without stepping off the line. Participants having less than 4 entries but squadding with a multi-entry qualified participant may also shoot in these lanes.
Team GLOCK Store: The Team GLOCK Store will be open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We will have magazines, match shirts and other GLOCK branded items for sale. This store will be located on Range 5 near the flagpole in the center of the range.
Alabama Residents Only: Todd Wilson, Director of Law Enforcement or Dylan Tyler for Blue Label Distributor WALTER CRAIG LLC will be accepting your GSSF Pistol Purchase Coupon for gun sales during the GLOCK Annual Shoot XXVII. If you are planning to purchase a gun and want to be sure Todd has what you are looking for, please email Todd at toddwilson@waltercraigle.com with the model number you want.
This sale will be Friday 9/17 from approximately 12pm – 5pm and Saturday 9/18 from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM at the CMP Marksmanship Park in Talladega, AL. You must bring your coupon with you. Purchase your GLOCK on site at the DEMO BOOTH on Bay A5 on Range 5. You MUST stop by GSSF Registration in the main clubhouse and sign liability forms and have your CMP Safety Card and wrist band before proceeding to the range even if you are not shooting the match.
Visit http://gssfonline.com/match-info.cfm for match registration and details. Want to know how things work at a GSSF Match? Before you go to the match, read a copy of the New Competitor Safety & Match Procedures Briefing. Be better prepared for that first match! Visit http://www.gssfonline.com/hot-topics.cfm for more details.
The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. It is dedicated to firearm safety and marksmanship training and to the promotion of marksmanship competition for citizens of the United States. For more information about the CMP and its programs, log onto www.TheCMP.org.
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Source: Huntinglife